Words to live by

If you check out the team bios on the BWG website, everyone lists a favorite quote or words to live by.  For me, it is:  What you sow today determines your harvest tomorrow.

Pretty straightforward and pretty spot on.  And a softer, more intentional-sounding version of the Bible verse, “You reap what you sow,” which is so often used in critique of someone’s misdeeds and comeuppance.  (Galatians 6:7)

At the bottom of a staircase in my home, these words are engraved on a large, metal piece of artwork. It serves as a reminder to myself each morning when I walk down the steps.  What seeds will I plant today? What will they yield tomorrow? 

What seeds should I plant today and everyday?  Kindness, authenticity, a strong work ethic – all yielding, I hope, solid and long-lasting relationships with my co-workers and clients.

All this year, we’ll be featuring the BWG team’s favorite quotes and life axioms. We welcome your feedback via our social channels.